Milwaukee Public Library Foundation provides essential support through private contributions for books, materials, programs, and library facilities to ensure the Milwaukee Public Library continues to serve and strengthen the Milwaukee community.
The Challenge
MPL Foundation needed help developing and executing a multi-channel, year-end fundraising campaign to educate the public on who they are, raise awareness of their vital work, and generate individual and corporate donations to sustain and expand programming.
The Solution
Tuna Services
After collaborating on a successful sweepstakes campaign in 2021 and a recent website redesign, we were able to dive right into growing MPL Foundation’s digital presence and reach by driving engagement, brand recognition, and donations with engaging content on multiple platforms, including social media campaigns, social advertising, and targeted Hulu ads.

“Collaborating with Tuna Traffic was simple. The Tunas learned our needs quickly and supported us in launching an ambitious fundraising campaign on a tight turnaround. Our team felt like the Tunas’ talent added to our efforts immediately and became a seamless addition during this campaign. Donors, staff, community partners, and Board members commented that the campaign exceeded expectations.”
Ryan E. Daniels
Executive Director of Milwaukee Public Library Foundation

"Library Love Stories and Peanut Butter Sandwiches"
Year-End Appeal
"Who We Are"
30 Second Hulu Ad